The Club's Strategic Planning workshop, held via Zoom on June 23rd and led by facilitator Warwick Cavell, has been hugely successful in helping identify club priorities for the next three years, reinforced by the very positive feedback received from those able to participate. Following on from the first workshop on June 9th the purpose of the second workshop was to get input from club members as to what they see as the focus of the club going forward.
To facilitate that process club members were asked to answer three questions prior to attending the
second workshop:

1. The COVID-19 lockdown period has been a challenge for our club, on many fronts. What have
you learned from this experience that you think we could use to our advantage as we come out
of this period and start thinking about the ‘new normal’?

2. If you had a magic wand, and therefore did not have to be concerned about ‘how’, what would
you change about the club?
When you answer this question please only focus on what you would change, not how you
would make the change. The ‘how’ will come later in the process.

3. What would you not want to change about the club – what would you like to retain and build on?
The next step is for the Strategic Action Group to review the outcomes of the workshops and to use these to draft the 2023 strategic
plan. The SAG meeting to draft the plan is scheduled for 7 July. The draft will then be presented to the board for approval before presentation to the club at a dedicated club meeting.